Saturday, April 3, 2010

180th Annual General Conference Part 2

"One of the most effective ways to improve teaching in the church is by improving teaching in the home. Improved teaching in the church, improves teaching in the home." L. Tom Perry.

What a wonderful, touching, and inspiring day! Some of these talks almost made me cry! This day should be named, "Inspiration Day"! I really, really LOVED L. Tom Perry's talk and Jeffrey R. Holland's talk! All the talks given during these last 2 hours were wonderful and inspiring, but the 2 that I just mentioned touched me the most. I don't know how to express my gratitude to have such wonderful speakers in our church. Now is a great time to set some new goals for our lives while the talks and inspirations are still fresh in our hearts and minds, and the tears are still fresh in our eyes.

I am really looking forward to tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to be especially wonderful as it marks the anniversary of the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ! We are extremely blessed to have Him in our lives!